My Operating Principles
I made this list of operating principles for myself after reading the list from Taylor Pearson. This list acts as a guide for me at times of uncertainty and also provides me with a list of rules to live by.
Every action I take today impacts my future. I try to align my actions today with what my future self wants. For example, since I want to live a long and healthy life, I will avoid junk food and continue to live an active lifestyle.
I try to do things that make me uncomfortable. For example, preparing to run longer distances requires me to hit the road 4 to 5 times a week. I have been camera shy all my life so I started talking on Youtube.
Reading and contemplation are essential to long term growth. This blog is a result of all my contemplations.
I focus on meaningful relationships. Family and close friends are above everything else.
I try to continuously simplify my life. I do not buy things I do not use almost on a daily basis. I do not spend time on things that does not have a positive impact on my life. For example, spending time on shopping for clothes or deciding what to wear. I am gradually moving my wardrobe to having lots of plain round neck tees and formal white shirts.
I do not quit when I truly believe in something. For example, I know wealth creation is possible only by remaining invested for decades. This means that I will not let short-term movement in markets disturb my sleep.
I understand what I cannot control and I try to avoid contemplation on such events.
I understand that life is unpredictable and I humbly accept the surprises life throws at me.
I optimise for optionality. A simple example would be the youtube channel bringing me clients and creating bigger opportunities in the future.
I look to protect the downside. For example, I do not day trade or use leverage to invest.
Long-term growth takes precedence over short-term enjoyment. It means saying no to a lot of things like partying everyday or consuming mindless content.
I do not seek to achieve fame. I will not prioritise fame and compromise on my core values.
I understand that I cannot be the best in a lot of things and I do not obsess over those. For example, I know I cannot be the best long distance runner but that will not stop me from participating in a 100 mile event.
I try to avoid engaging in activities that have a slightest chance of killing me. It means I will not participate in adventure sports or drive a car without a seat belt.
I try to think extremely long-term. For example, I would not get a piercing or a tattoo on my body that my older self may not appreciate.
I care deeply about very little. I try to limit my interests, in things, and in people.
I do not engage in arguments at home or online. I just ignore or walkaway. It’s not my cup of tea.
I avoid following or discussing politics.
I try to not get too obsessed with money. You can earn money all your life. Spending some on family is more valuable.